About Paws On Lawns

Paws On Lawns is a dog walking organization founded by two friends with a mission to make a positive impact. We are dedicated to raising funds for a high school in Jamaica through our dog walking services.

dog biting brown leash
dog biting brown leash

Our principles


black labrador retriever sitting on dried leaves during daytime
black labrador retriever sitting on dried leaves during daytime



brown wooden panel with white heart
brown wooden panel with white heart

We believe in treating every dog with love, care, and respect. Our team is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all the dogs we walk.

We are committed to building a strong community of dog lovers. Through our dog walking services, we aim to bring people together and create lasting connections.

By walking dogs and raising funds, we are making a positive impact on the lives of both dogs and students in Jamaica. Join us in making a difference.

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